Thursday, October 18, 2012

Betta Fish

Betta Fish is “Siamese fighting fish”, The Betta Fish is a colorful freshwater tropical fish known to as a “fighting fish”. Betta fish are originally from Asia. Some call paddies fish as well where farmers rare them to keep the mosquito larva away.
One of the most common mistakes when you have a betta fish is to think that should be isolated from the rest. There are many stories about betta fish fighters and aggressive that do not always have to be true. Although betta fish do not get along with their own kind, that does not mean they can not be put to live in a betta community aquarium with other betta fish. But in others word if the betta fish been separate for 5 minutes they will siblings each others and getting ready to fight.

Many people attract to betta fish mainly due to colourful features of the fish.